Sales of the book have been very stagnant for a bit, but with the holiday season coming up I thought now would be a good time to try and get word of it out again.
I'm not entirely sure how I can get this to work, but what I would like to do is set up a promotion from now until the end of the year where I will donate half of my profits to some of my favorite Earwolf shows. If, by some miracle, listeners of those shows hear about this then they can buy my book from this website and just put a note during checkout with one of the following codes:
"PFT" - Spontaneanation
"CBB" - Comedy Bang Bang
"HDTGM" - How Did This Get Made
"LAPKUS" - With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus
So, if you've always wanted to donate to these shows but thought the couple bucks you could afford was too small, now you can still donate that money as part of a group and also get a book for a shitty Xmas gift for someone in the process.
I will also make note of everyone who donated and include a list of everyone with the final donations. If you don't want your name listed just let me know.